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The introduction of the UVISEL VUV phase modulated spectroscopic ellipsometer extends the performance capabilities of the UVISEL series down to 142 nm. This energy range is becoming increasingly important for the characterisation of extremely thin films used in nanoscale devices with nanoelectronic, nanophotonic, nanobiosensor and nanorobotic applications.


The UVISEL VUV ellipsometer provides the best combination of superior VUV performance and experimental flexibility to determine thin film thickness and optical constants across the wavelength range 142 to 880 nm. Features of the UVISEL VUV include:

Wide spectral range at very high speed
Advanced design for high performance in the VUV
Direct sample access and fast loading
Phase modulation technology for high accuracy and precision measurement
Excellent signal to noise and signal to background ratio

Serial 108217

Lamp changed May 8 2014 at 3547-30

Tool name:
Ellipsometer - Horiba


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